Samantha is a lonely, misfit 13-year-old. After getting bullied in camp, she retreats to the old detective movies she loves, entering a film noir fantasy world where she is Samantha Spade, Ace Detective, the go-to gumshoe who always solves the case—for $25 a day, plus Twizzlers.
Sam’s first case enters on the glamorous gams of Veronica Venus, star of stage, screen and the occasional circus. Veronica’s boyfriend, Senator John D. Rockababy, is missing. But something’s fishy, and Samantha’s investigation leads to the dames, palookas, grifters, chiselers, flatfoots and flim-flammers that populate this black and white world.
National Youth Arts 2014 Winner of OUTSTANDING NEW MUSICAL
Your safety is our top priority. We are taking all measures to provide a safe, sanitized and comfortable concert setting, following the current updated regulations provided by the Provincial Health Office (PHO) and Work Safe BC. You and your cohort will be seated with appropriate social distancing between you and the next cohort. To this end, Seating is temporarily and randomly pre-assigned by Mary Winspear Centre staff. If you have any special mobility needs, i.e. unable to do stairs, require a wheelchair seat, or if you are attending the concert with other cohorts, please contact our Theatre Administrator at 250-656-0275 ext. 230. It is imperative that staff is notified so that all patrons are guaranteed their required seating and respectfully accommodated. If we do not receive these requirements, we risk not having the required seating available for these patrons.
Please note: all exchanges, gifting, or reselling of tickets must be done through the Mary Winspear Centre box office in order for us to conduct pre-screening, seat assignment, and contact tracing protocols.
If you are feeling unwell, have any COVID-19 symptoms, have been asked to isolate, or have been around someone who has been asked to isolate, tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days, or been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days, please do not attend the concert and contact the box office. For your well-being, the Mary Winspear Centre will provide hand sanitizers and facemasks.
1. Arrive with your entire cohort and enter through the theatre lobby doors, located past the main entrance to check-in.
2. Ticketless event.
3. Masks are manditory in all public spaces.
4. The Charlie White Theatre has recently been examined by our trusted HVAC Technician. Fresh air-flow is ensured at all times.
5. No intermission: Pre-ordered drinks and Artist merchandise will be served to you at your seats by a MWC volunteer. Maximum of 2 alcoholic drinks per patron at a time.
6. You may also order drinks during the concert –again brought to you by a MWC volunteer. Please text 250-880-7826 and include the cohort number we provide to you on a slip of paper at check-in. Maximum of 2 alcoholic drinks per patron at a time.
7. Cleaning/disinfecting of entire space before and after each performance.
8. No outside food and beverage permitted. You may bring a water bottle.
9. Mary Winspear Centre representative(s) present in house to monitor/ensure this plan is being followed.