- Saanich Peninsula MPS Constitution and bylaws
- Trust Indenture
- 2020 Financial Statements
- 2021 Financial Statements
- 2022 Financial Statements
- 2023 Financial Statements
The Memorial Park Society is part of the Mary Winspear Centre's rich history. In 1921, the Sidney Athletic Association and Sidney Women's Auxiliary acquired 12-acres of land in Sidney for the community to use for athletic and recreational purposes. The Memorial Park Society was established and the park was named the North Saanich War Memorial Park in honour of the local men lost in the First World War. The park also included an athletic field and children's playground. The Society managed the park for many years, and in 1993 also took on management of SANSCHA Hall located on the park grounds.
The Memorial Park Society (MPS) was central to the planning and construction of the Mary Winspear Centre and the war memorial located outside the centre.
The Society continues to oversee the Mary Winspear Centre and Blue Heron Park in trust for the communities of the Saanich Peninsula.
Board of Directors
- Jane Batty - Vice Chair
- Patrick Brown - Director
- Del Elgersma - Director
- Sheilah Fea – Past Chair
- May Mah-Paulson - Director
- Patricia Mamic - Director
- Linda Pendray - Director/Foundation Chair
- Andy Rosequist - Director
- Ryan Trelford - Director
- Peter Wainwright - Director
- Denny Warner – Executive Director